Queen of spades gardening company

Kitchen Gardens

With more and more people becoming aware of what they are eating, where it comes from and how it is grown, what better way to enjoy fresh, chemical free, delicious food, than to grow your own.

It doesn't take a massive amount of space in order to supplement your groceries, you can dedicate a small area of your garden or even mix the vegetables, herbs and fruit in with your flowers and shrubs for an unusual and productive garden.

Many people may already have a fruit tree in their garden but it is amazing the number of edible plants that are also highly decorative, that you may already have. Most people would recognise rosemary, lavenders and sage as culinary herbs which provide good structure, excellent scent, beautiful flowers and aromatic foliage good for cooking. There are many more plants that are beautiful in the garden and useful in the home.

These plants are also a wonderful way to attract wildlife to your garden.

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